New Neighbours

Workshops and Community Engagement

Workshop Facilitation

Over the summer of 2023, I facilitated workshops with different groups around Easterhouse to inspire the trail activities and characters. These included Platform’s Holiday Club and Art Club, Pavillion Youth Club and BEE’s Youth Club.

The workshops consisted of an inspiration walk, taking visual notes of creatures, nature and possible activities in Blairtummock Park.

When we arrived back at the clubs, we used a roll of paper to create a collaborative map of Easterhouse and the park, embellishing it with imagined creatures, stories and collage.

Initial Findings

Lack of interest in going outside and exploring in nature and particularly in the park - seen as a ‘through route’ and not considered a park ‘the pitches’

Little understanding of the history of the location and why the park has been created 

Lots of people unaware of water voles and the need for a flood protection area

Aims of the Trail

Reconnect local families to nature through the unique opportunity to see a new park form and grow

Encourage pride of place and heritage - linking to local organisations such as Platform, Pavillion and BEE

Highlight the reasons for the park’s creation (flood management) and reasons for rewilding (water voles and benefits to nature)