Playthings and Toys

I love reimagining illustrations as 3d objects and toys, and considering how the objects can tell different stories. These are some of the different playthings I have developed to encourage fascination for nature.

‘Halfway Creatures’ Archives Project

‘Halfway Creatures’ are a series of interchangeable animals developed during a project with Dundee University Archives. I was given letters that were sent to a scientist, questioning the viability of evolution theory, due to the lack of “half-way animals” around.

I created these toy designs inspired by the letters, creating some halfway creatures. The animals switch around to create different halfway creatures and the names on the back can also be interchanged to develop fun animal names.

Little Ant Toy

‘Little Ant’ is a product prototype of an ant toy which can be taken outside and encourage the child to think of places and life from smaller creatures’ perspectives. It was made alongside my picture book project Ants.